Innovation Centers - Educational Innovation for Sustainability and Development Education STEM XR Robotics AI FABLAB

13 Innovation Centres with physical presence, installed in each Regional Directorate of Education in Greece.

1 Central Support Infrastructure in the service of all Innovation Centres.

1 Innovation Lab at the premises of the Computer Technology Institute & Press ‘Diophantus’ in Athens, for the development of educational content as well as for teacher training needs.

Corresponding Initiatives
  • Future Classroom Lab
    The Future Classroom Lab (FCL) was designed and developed by European Schoolnet (EUN) as a fully equipped, flexible, inspiring teaching and learning space in Brussels, inviting visiting educators to rethink the role of both pedagogy, technology and design in the classroom. Since its foundation in 2012, European Schoolnet and EU Ministries of Education have been working closely with a growing number of IT providers to ensure an independently funded and sustainable framework. Policy makers, industry partners and research entities meet systematically through educational activities to design the school of the future and the appropriate strategies for its implementation.
  • Future Classroom Lab
    A Fab Lab is a space for learning and innovation. Fab Labs provide access to the appropriate environment, skills, materials and advanced technologies to enable anyone, anywhere, to create (almost) anything. The Fab Lab Network is an open creative community of makers, artists, scientists, engineers, educators, students, hobbyists and professionals located in over 100 countries and 1,750 Fab Labs worldwide.
  • Newton
    Newton Rooms constitute an initiative which started in Norway in 2003 by enthusiastic and professionally trained teachers and offers hands-on education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for schools and kindergartens. Through quality-assured teaching programs and curriculum, children and young people encounter exciting equipment and a variety of exploratory learning methods.